Advanced Auto Glass

Mobile Service for Auto Glass Replacement and Rock Chip Repairs

From Prince Rupert


Glass Inspection

View glass damage, take required photos, document vehicle information for glass parts to be ordered.

15 min

Glass Replacement

Windshield, Door, Side, and Back Glass Replacement.

Windshield Replacement

Remove exterior and interior trim if needed. Disconnect any electrical on windshield. Remove old windshield and install new windshield. Reconnect all components. Flat rate charge, time given is approximate - each install varies with degree of difficulty. Extra charges may apply. If windshield has a camera - re-calibration required and the responsibility to re-calibrate lies solely with the customer. Installer does not re-calibrate at this time. Installer is not responsible for this extra cost.

2 hours

Back Glass Replacement

Remove hatch trim and disconnect components. Clean inside hatch and around latch, remove broken glass. Install new back glass, reconnect all components. Flat rate charge, time given is approximate - each install varies with degree of difficulty. Extra charges may apply.

1½ hour

Side Vent/Fixed Glass Replacement

Remove interior trim, and if required disconnect any electrical. Clean area and remove any broken glass. Install new vent glass. Flat rate charge, time given is approximate - each install varies with degree of difficulty. Extra charges may apply.

1 hour

Door Glass Replacement

Remove interior trim. Disconnect electrical or manual regulator components. Clear inside door of broken glass, clean inside glass tracks. Inspect regulator or manual crank integrity. If regulator damaged, must replace component. Extra charges apply. Install new door glass, lubricate glass tracks. Reconnect components. Flat rate charge, time given is approximate - each install varies with degree of difficulty. Extra charges may apply.

1½ hour

Rock Chip Repair

Repair up to a maximum of three rock chips. No repairs within direct viewing area of driver. If this is the case, replacement is strongly encouraged. Damage cannot be greater than size of a loonie. First repair is $65, second and third are $20 each. No guarantee that the repair will be permanent as many factors can deteriote the repair including choice of windshield washer fluid and detail chemicals. No guarantee that damage will not spread during repair due to delicate process involved. Rock Chip may expand beyond repair, if this happens repair immediately stops and replacement is strongly recommended. Installer will attempt every rock chip repair with integrity and as efficiently as possible to ensure proper repair. If repair is successful, no guarantee that the repair will be completely invisible.

Rock Chip Repair

One Repair

15 min

Rock Chip Repair + 1

Two Repairs

45 min

Rock Chip Repair + 2

Three Repairs

45 min