Antwerp Massage Salon

Release yourself from muscle pain, tension & stress Free your body & mind. Try it!

Sint-Jacobsmarkt 102, Antwerpen


Find a Massage That Speaks to Your Body's Needs

Traditional Chinese Massage

Traditional Chinese Massage

NL : Anti-stress/ Zet de energiebanen open EN : Antistress /Opens Energy

1 hour


Chinese Medical Massage

Chinese Medical Massage

NL : Genezende massage met Chinese kruidenolie EN : Healing Massage with Chinese Herbal Oil

1 hour


Traditional Thai Massage

Traditional Thai Massage

NL : Anti-Stress massage ontspant de geest. EN : Healing Massage with Thai Herbal Oil. Anti-stress, This Massage relaxes the spirit.

1 hour


Ashiatsu Massage

Ashiatsu Massage

NL : Er wordt over je heengelopen. (Speciaal) EN : In the Ashiatsu massage we'll walk all over you. (Special)

1 hour


Deep Muscle (Sport) Massage

Deep Muscle (Sport) Massage

NL : Alle spieren worden volledig losgemaakt. EN : Makes all muscles completely free.

1 hour


All Combination Massage

All Combination Massage

NL : De blokkerende spieren vrijmaken. EN : Releasing the blocking muscles.

1 hour


Voet Massage / Foot Massage

Voet Massage / Foot Massage

NL : Voetzool reflexologie. Stimuleert alle organen EN : Foot reflexology. Stimulates all organs.

30–60 min


Sleep Relaxation Massage

Sleep Relaxation Massage

NL : Tegen slapeloosheid. EN : Get a good Sleep by Relaxing.

1 hour


Neck and Shoulders Massage

Neck and Shoulders Massage

NL : Opheffen blokkades tegen vermoeidheid. EN : Lifting blockades against fatigue.

30–45 min


Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage

Experience gentle care with our Pregnancy Massage, designed to support expectant mothers. This nurturing massage helps for pregnancy-related discomforts and promotes relaxation.

1 hour

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy

Try our new Cupping Therapy to enhance blood circulation and release muscle tension. This traditional method uses suction cups to improve overall health and relaxation

1 hour