Start your healing journey with us Book a Reiki Session or a Shamanic Healing here. Accredited by International reiki Organization.
Francis Avenue, Lemon Tree Passage
Readings priced per 20 mins most readings can be completed in this time using a traditional Gypsy Tarot spread of 15 cards.
Release stress and promote inner calmness with our Reiki Master Practitioner.
Shamanic healing is a holistic approach to well-being rooted in ancient traditions. It involves a shaman, a spiritual practitioner, facilitating a connection between the physical and spiritual within the body to address imbalances in a person’s energy at soul level.
4 Sessions of Trigger point therapy involving hypnosis, sound healing, reiki and counseling.
Ear candling is a practice that involves placing a hollow, cone-shaped candle into the ear canal and lighting the other end. The warm air circulating throughout the ear canal creates a vacuum and helps draw out excess earwax and dirt that may be causing issues.
Reiki is a holistic healing practice that originated in Japan. The word "Reiki" combines two Japanese words: "rei," meaning universal, and "ki," meaning life energy. In essence, Reiki involves channeling this universal life energy through the practitioner's hands to the recipient, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual balance and well-being.
Iridology traces its roots back to the 17th century when a Hungarian physician, Ignaz von Peczely, observed changes in the iris corresponding to health conditions. It gained momentum in the 19th century through Dr. Bernard Jensen's work. In a typical iridology session, we examine the iris, looking for discolorations, patterns, and irregularities. These markings are found to reflect the body's health status and potential issues. We will examine your Iris manually and then using our Eye Camera photograph the iris. You will receive a detailed report approximately 7 days after your appointment. This is so that we can have a thorough examination of the details of the camera has picked up.