Captured Stories

Turn your passion, vision and success stories into authentic, professional and personal videos that inspire and connect.

Ijsbaanpad, Amsterdam

Video Podcast Format

Are you looking for a way to communicate your message to a global audience? We are offering a video podcast recording format, where you can simply spend one hour talking and we produce the professional video content for you in return.

1-hr Recording

1-hr Recording

Our system helps you to present yourself in the best way possible, without having to spend countless hours on learning about lighting or audio and will save you from investing thousands of euros in professional camera equipment. Out of this one hour session you will get roughly 10 high quality, ready to share, videos to promote your business. Our Guarantees: -We ensure you look good on video -We capture crystal clear audio to convey your message the best way -We highlight key moments in your video to share engaging content on social

1 hour

Full day

Full day

Exclusive recording day to capture your full brand image

8 hours


Include photos in our videosetting

Include photos in our videosetting

Basic editing included

15 min



We highlight the most important words you mention in modern subtitles