~10-15 Photos + ~60sec Video + ~59sec Social Media Reel + Drone Photo/Video + STD 2D Floorplan Drone operations in ATC Restricted areas may not be available or have additional restrictions. Air Traffic Control will advise before we proceed.
Premium ~20-30 photos. Large 3-4 Bedroom homes ~120-300m2. ~45 minutes
Get a full video of your listing. We only use drones capable of producing 4K HD quality videos.
Drone/Aerial Photography - up to 10 photos ~30-45 minutes I hold an Advanced UAS (Drone) Remote Pilot Certificate for Drone operations conducted under Civil Aviation Rule Part 101 and for Drone operations conducted for a Part 102 certificated organisation. Including Public Liability Insurance. Indicative boundary lines added as supplied by the client. Drone operations in ATC Restricted areas may not be available or have additional restrictions. Air Traffic Control will advise before we proceed.
Add on Drone ~5 Photos