Braided by yanna ๐ŸŽ€

18 year old self taught braider ๐ŸŽ€ im a girls girl lets get braided together

Lawrenceville, Virginia

everything braids ๐ŸŽ€

small knotless

small knotless

12 packs of braiding hair

10 hours


Medium knotless

Medium knotless

8-10 packs of braiding hair

8 hours


Island twist

Island twist

8-10 packs of braiding hair

8 hours


Ponytails ๐ŸŽ€

Double jayda wayda braids

Double jayda wayda braids

3 -4 packs of braiding hair

3ยพ hours


Braided ponytail

1-2 packs of hair


Natural hair ๐ŸŽ€

Silk press

Silk press

Includes wash blow dry and press

5 hours

Natural hair twist

Natural hair twist

come with hair throughly washed

4 hours

Natural braids

5 hours


Wash and blow dry

This an add on for a style if you would like it to be added if you do not come blow dried, it will be an up-charge of 15.00$ for inconvenience