Healing with Intuition

Hi! I love what I’m able to provide & I am grateful to all I can help. Please, there are NO refunds once booked. I have limited availability

1:1 Time 🗣️

❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith.

Consultation 👥

Consultation 👥

We speak via phone call OR text (whichever YOU personally prefer) about which ritual and/or session/options would be just perfect for your specific needs. I don’t watch the clock for each minute, but just know that both of our time are, energy and precious. The time you pay for, is definitely well spent with me. I don’t leave you hanging with anything. ❗️If anyone needs a day and/or specific time you don’t see available on my site, please contact me via my Facebook (Inbox) мυνα gαια or Intüition Àngęl. Send me a text, (704)445-8847 OR even one of my emails at muvagaia@yahoo.com or muvagaia@gmail.com❗️

30 min


Get Your Shvt

Get Your Shvt

Let’s get your manifestation(s)!!! 😎 ❗️IF YOU ARE A NEW CLIENT; YOU HAVE TO BOOK & PAY FOR THE FIRST INITIAL CALL (A), AND THEN PAY FOR HOW LONG YOU WANT MY SUPPORT (either B or C)❗️PAYING FOR THE FIRST INITIAL CALL (A) DOES NOT PAY FOR THE SUPPORT (B or C) AFTER❗️ ❗️NO EXCEPECTIONS❗️YOU WILL NOT BE SERVICED OTHERWISE❗️ 🗣️You are ONLY allowed to book & pay for B or C Services when you’re a RETURNING CLIENT. When you are returning, you shouldn’t need (A). We’re supposed to be changing your life. Thank you for your support.🗣️ I help keep your confidence up and focus high, on what you want. You already have it, you just might not SEE IT, but you do! Everything is yours. “You shall not want” God said so! It’s all about your focus and thoughts. Speak your truth using your tongue and thoughts with repetition and saturation. You will always get what you want because it’s already yours! 🗣️You pay the same prices for either being a new client or a returning one. Thank you for your support. I’ll let everyone know when I’m having a discount/sale.🗣️ ❗️PLEASE❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith. ‼️Disclaimer: You don’t have to believe what you’re saying. You may or may not feel excited, but you will still manifest what you want or don’t want because of EITHER; your (negative OR positive) focus and thoughts. If you focus more on the bad and what you don’t have/want, you’ll continue to manifest that. If you focus on the good and what you want/have (even if you don’t see it), you’ll manifest that. ❗️If anyone needs a day and/or specific time you don’t see available on my site, please contact me via my Facebook (Inbox) мυνα gαια or Intüition Àngęl. Send me a text, (704)445-8847 OR even one of my emails at muvagaia@yahoo.com or muvagaia@gmail.com❗️

0–30 min


Get It Out & Let It Go!

Get It Out & Let It Go!

Need someone to speak to and just let it out, but you don’t have anyone you feel gives you that space to unload and unpack? So, pick and book, A, B or C! ☺️ I’ve been told I’m “a great listener”, “felt safe”, and have “healing words” for advice and encouragement; if needed/wanted! 😎We can text, send audio clips and/or speak on the phone. It’s up to you.😎 No, I am not an “energy dumpster”, but I do provide this as a service because I’m a bombass Alchemist and can TRANSMUTE gossip into wealth. Drama into peace. When you pay for this energy exchange, you’ll leave the conversation feeling better, motivated and lighter. I’m also protected from all kinds of evil eyes and feeling “yucky” during and after the conversation. ❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith. ❗️If anyone needs a day and/or specific time you don’t see available on my site, please contact me via my Facebook (Inbox) мυνα gαια or Intüition Àngęl. Send me a text, (704)445-8847 OR even one of my emails at muvagaia@yahoo.com or muvagaia@gmail.com❗️

15–75 min


How Are You Feeling?

How Are You Feeling?

🌟I AM CERTIFIED🌟 When it comes to; CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), Humanistic Therapy and Psychotherapy/Psychoanalysis Therapy; they are all based around positive thinking, growth and healing, manifesting positive experiences/outcomes for your overall wellbeing without relying solely on medication(s). ‼️DISCLAIMER: I am not in anyway telling anyone to stop taking their medication(s)‼️ If you are experiencing all/any of the below; -Negative thinking -Depression, anxiety, stress, etc -Feeling like no one loves you -You want more out of life -Relationships/friendships aren’t going well -A drastic change in your life (divorce, a change in career/got laid off, etc) -Grief (a passing, someone is passing from illness or natural causes, didn’t receive a promotion you were working for, etc) For Children/Teens and Young Adults; -Grief and/or drastic change in their life -Depression, sadness, anger, etc -Behavioral problems (tantrums, acting out) -Not speaking (refusing to communicate) -Believes parent(s)/family doesn’t get them The list for anyone with emotional, mental, physical and/or spiritual health issues can go on and on! So, if you’re experiencing anything you want to diminish, get rid of and heal through; you’ve come to the right person! Just book a consultation OR if you want to get right to it, your option for therapy, and we can speak then… Any of these can be via phone call or zoom. (You choose what you’re comfortable with). A) Consultation (10-15mins) B) Brief Therapy (6-10 Sessions) C) Short-term (10-20 Sessions) D) Long-term (At least a year) E) Booster Sessions (Session Add-Ons) ❗️PLEASE❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith.

15–60 min


Rituals 🕯️

Let’s create magick! ❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith.

Energy Cleansing

Energy Cleansing

🔥I ONLY PERFORM THIS ENERGY CLEANSE ON THURSDAYS, AND SINCE THAT IS A SELFCARE DAY FOR ME, YOU WILL HAVE TO CONTACT ME FOR AN APPOINTMENT.🔥 I clear, cleanse, heal and remove energy that’s unwanted and/or creating stagnation, stuck, yucky, blah feelings within you. Who wants to feel sluggish and not knowing why?! Not anyone! So come to me for a cleanse! 🔥 I dress and light a white candle for you as well to reset and restore the energies around you! ❗️During This Session- We do not actually communicate, but I will send you a sms (text) and/or an email a few hours BEFORE your appointment time, and receive a few details of what you’ve been going through and for how long. ❗️I do not want anyone to think I’m being nosy. I just need the specifics, so I know how to dress your candle(s), write out your petition/prayer (if purchased) and know the directions and intentions for your session. ❗️At your EXACT appointment time. I will begin your session. So YOU have to be somewhere calm/quiet to either lay down or sit (whichever you prefer), so you can take in slow deep breaths and RELAX while I send you energy. YOU WILL FEEL IT. Why I said to lay or sit, and take in slow deep breaths. ❗️I will also speak on this via sms (text) and/or email for a reminder as well. No worries. 😊 ❗️Last thing, I will send you pictures and videos of your candle(s) lit and burning. Along with all/any information, messages, downloads, details, etc from your Ancestors and your Spiritual Court that you need to know during OR when your session is coming to a close, and then we’ll chat after, to see how you’re feeling. *Disclaimer: Pleass KNOW, that this service is a personal session. So please plan it accordingly and make time for SELF. The duration of each session per person can vary. I have 30mins, but it could be longer. Much longer. Especially, if there’s a lot of energy that I need to send you. I Love You All! 🤍 ❗️Please contact me via my Facebook (Inbox) мυνα gαια or Intüition Àngęl. Send me a text, (704)445-8847 OR Either use one of my emails at muvagaia@yahoo.com or muvagaia@gmail.com❗️

30 min


Lifting Your Spirit

Lifting Your Spirit

This is another form of an Energy Cleanse. This is mainly for all and any blockages and resistance you might carry and have without even knowing. Towards finances, love, friendships, negative thoughts, etc… If you haven’t been able to find that motivation and/or spark, and you feel like all you need is a bit of luck, and/or you don’t know what/whom to let go of. Also, not feeling like yourself? This is for you!🤞🏾 (Includes; dressed Black & 7 Colored 7-day Candles & petition/prayer) 🌟 The duration for this service, is however long your candles burn for. I have a total of 45mins, ONLY for length in between each session. I will send you a sms (text) and/or email, with pictures and videos when it’s COMPLETED. I do NOT want there to be ANY negative influences toward the energy WHILE your session is being done. I WILL send you ONE photo and ONE video recording once your candles are lit and burning. And, please KEEP your candles to YOURSELF, and keep your affirmations (thoughts), and mood/vibrations HIGH! Know that you are the greatest person alive and you are loved and safe. 🌟 *Disclaimer: PLEASE, be aware things and people WILL begin to leave and/or things might get revealed to you that you weren’t expecting because it’s necessary to let things/those go for you to move forward in your new essence and vibration. Can’t mix oil with water. Eventually, the two will separate.** I Love You All! 🤍

30 min


Ruler Ritual

Ruler Ritual

Depending on your Ruler Planet and Sign within your Ruler, that’ll determine which colored taper candles are used for your session (ritual). Along with all of the herbs/plants, elements, and crystals. Includes: A Petition/Prayer. Two OR Three dressed taper candles that coincide with your ruler and the day it matches with. (Ex. Saturn goes with Saturday and Venus with Friday, etc.) This ritual will help to align you with the main aspects and characteristics of your ruler and will give you clarity and confidence when dealing with your journey, and knowing what you need to achieve moving forward in your Soul’s purpose and to help your Best Self expand. Depending on your Ruler, (ex. Saturn in Capricorn/Aquarius; will align you with Hard Work, Self-Discipline, Transformation, Banishing, Protection, Karma, Vitality, Defense, Finding Lost Items or People, Meditation, Spirituality. This Ruler will also help with your 6th Chakra (3rd Eye), and the elements are Earth, Air & Fire.) You will gain insight and knowledge on how to make life better for you, and you will gain motivation and inspiration. You will not question your next moves because you’ll be ready for anything. ✨I will let you know of any msgs you need to know from your Ancestors/Spiritual Team. Those can be useful to you and help you know your power!✨ *Disclaimer: PLEASE, be aware that you WILL feel a shift within and want to make changes and adjustments in your life right away. You WILL have ideas and opportunities just align with you/make sense, and come to you. You WILL just feel excited and renewed to get started and/or keep going on the project(s) you already have going and/or have confidence to begin the one(s) you haven’t yet.

45 min


7-Chakra Cleansing

7-Chakra Cleansing

This session (ritual) is for clearing, cleansing, healing and unblocking your seven chakras. It is important to maintain good health and keep your energy body in check. When your chakras are clear and aligned, you are YOUR BEST SELF. You will naturally have a more positive outlook on life and feel more energized and confident. Realigning and balancing your chakras, helping them to spin freely and allowing energy to flow through them without obstruction is essential. Includes: A Petition/Prayer. ONE dressed white taper candle along with SEVEN dressed taper candles of the main chakras. ✨I will also send you msgs from your Ancestors/Spiritual Team that you need to know, to help you with your own journey and knowing your power!✨ *Disclaimer: PLEASE, know that you will get sleepy during and/or after this session (ritual) because the energy that comes with this requires REST AND A RESET for the physical body. You will feel amazing when you wake up. You might feel a bit sleepy/exhausted still, but that’s normal because you probably weren’t already getting much rest before it.**

30 min


Feel The Love

Feel The Love

Need that feeling of lightness and peace? You just want to feel that love for self, and for others to love you better? Want that confidence boost and connection to yourself? The list can go on and on… but, if you answered “yes” to the top questions, then this is the session (ritual) for you! ✨The session (ritual) includes; Three Dressed 3-Day Candles; One Yellow, One Pink & One White ✨ ❗️Disclaimer: The time is however long the duration your candles burn for. Even though it reads, “45mins”. The time is also, so I don’t have an overlap of time and too many clients in one night❗️

45 min




This Ritual Is For; 🍀Confidence, energy & faith boost 🍀Just that right touch of luck 🍀Knowing everything is yours 🍀Knowing anything IS possible 🍀Removal of negativity & blockages 🍀Promote great sleep & downloads This Possible Ritual is a Sister Ritual to Lift Your Spirit. So, some of what LYS does, this one has as well, with a twist!!! 🤲🏾 This includes, two dressed green taper candles and one dressed white taper candle. *Disclaimer: The duration of your session may vary depending on candle burn. Pictures and videos will be sent after ritual is completed. Your energy and spiritual hygiene matters when doing anything in life. Especially, with magick, nature and rituals. We can do all we can to get you your desires and wants, but YOU have to clean and gut out what and whom are no longer needed to be around you! A constant ease and flow in your life makes amazing changes better and easier to move through and with.

30 min


Guided Interpretations 🧘🏾‍

Let’s delve deeper and decipher and/or interpret what you need to know!! ❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith.

Dream Msgs

Dream Msgs

Tell me your dreams, and I’ll guide you through them. 💫 Tell me the details you can recall/remember, and I’ll tell you what is needed for you to know. I use my intuition and the help of my spiritual team and yours, to find out what is being communicated to you. * Includes; dressed purple tealight candle * 💜 This session will be via sms (text).💜 The FIRST initial message will be about the dream you had. Send that FIRST MESSAGE as an audio message, so I can get in as many of the details as possible. 💜 I WILL send audio messages back pertaining to any of the details you send me, and tell you what you need to know. 💜You are free to send regular messages as we go along. But ONLY AFTER your first audio clip has been sent. Please don’t send any other audios until I finish getting out the first initial message, so nothing gets confused or lost in translation. 💜 I will be listening, and might go silent for a few seconds, but that’s only to make sure I’m feeling, hearing and receiving everything necessary. Disclaimer: The duration of each session per person can vary. I have 15mins, but it could be longer. Or maybe shorter, depending on details and what your Spiritual Court and Ancestors are trying to communicate to you. ❗️If anyone needs a day and/or specific time you don’t see available on my site, please contact me via my Facebook (Inbox) мυνα gαια or Intüition Àngęl. Send me a text, (704)445-8847 OR even one of my emails at muvagaia@yahoo.com or muvagaia@gmail.com❗️

15 min


Egg Cleanse

Egg Cleanse

Choose either; A (How-To) B (No How-To) ❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith. ❗️If anyone needs a day and/or specific time you don’t see available on my site, please contact me via my Facebook (Inbox) мυνα gαια or Intüition Àngęl. Send me a text, (704)445-8847 OR even one of my emails at muvagaia@yahoo.com or muvagaia@gmail.com❗️

30–45 min


Readings 👁️

The readings I perform are not like everyone else’s. I use the tools yes, but I don’t need them in order to give you the messages you need to know. Especially, if you’re being stubborn and already know what you should be doing; your ass just don’t want to listen, lol Even if you just want a confirmation and/or second opinion, you still KNOW what you should do. Again, you just don’t want to listen. 😹 ❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith.

Just Listen!

Just Listen!

However many cards get pulled and/or fall out, will be the message(s) I’ll relay. If you have any specific issues and/or questions that you want to be brought up. You can let me know and it’ll be mentioned in the session. ❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith. ❗️ If anyone needs a day and/or specific time you don’t see available on my site, please contact me via my Facebook (Inbox) мυνα gαια or Intüition Àngęl. Send me a text, (704)445-8847 OR even one of my emails at muvagaia@yahoo.com or muvagaia@gmail.com❗️

1 hour


5 - Yes:No:Maybe 🪬

5 - Yes:No:Maybe 🪬

I use your ancestors/spiritual team, along with mine to answer the questions you have. Keep them simple and specific. *Disclaimer: Even though you’re asking the questions, anything you want and/or don’t want to happen, will or will not with your focus, thoughts and belief(s) behind it. Every manifestation/outcome is based on your (negative OR positive) focus about it. Your mindset matters with what you want to happen or don’t. ❗️If anyone needs a day and/or specific time you don’t see available on my site, please contact me via my Facebook (Inbox) мυνα gαια or Intüition Àngęl. Send me a text, (704)445-8847 OR even one of my emails at muvagaia@yahoo.com or muvagaia@gmail.com❗️ ❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith.

45 min


Travel Spiritual Assistance✨

Anywhere I’m needed, I will be available and there. ❗️PLEASE❗️NO REFUNDS❗️ I believe in energy exchange. You’re paying for my energy and time. I find that precious on both ends. You decided to invest in Self, by allowing the flow of currency from you to me. So please, the time I take for you, is valuable on its own. I have limited availability also. Respect that. I can guide and have faith for you, but you must have faith in yourself as well, to continue without my assistance. You can have everything you want and faster. You don’t need me in all actuality. You just need focus and faith.