Gateway Escape and Tarot

Welcome to the home of Gateway Escape Coaching and Holistic Beyond Tarot. Booking made easy.

Booking and Beyond

You're almost there, thank you for choosing Holistic Beyond and Tarot with Marie Secure your place today and select your preferred timeslot for Readings and Safe Space bookings. For your new way of life monthly coaching packages, you can select any time slot, arrangements, times and details will be planned upon receipt of your booking. I am excited to walk alongside you, see you soon.

Safe Space

Safe Space

Book time for you today Call (via video link)

45 min

It's a Wellness Thing

It's a Wellness Thing

Book your new way of life monthly commitment now

15 min

Abundance Mindset

Abundance Mindset

Book your monthly coaching and transformation plan now

15 min

Holistic Tarot Mini

Holistic Tarot Mini

Via Email I will call on Spirit and the Angels to help us reflect on the past, present and future energy surrounding you. If you're holding clearly a question in mind, intuitive channelling may enrich the reading and your experience of the messages received. Your reading will be sent within 24hrs of booking timeslot.

45 min

Holistic Tarot Immersive

Holistic Tarot Immersive

Via Video Recording Watch the magic unfold as I ask Spirit and the Angels for insight into the past, present and future whilst channelling your current energies calling on divine wisdom to speak directly to your soul. Your reading will be sent within 24hrs of booking timeslot.

45 min

Holistic Tarot Together

Holistic Tarot Together

Immerse yourself in the healing energies of honouring intuition, connection and energies that flow unseen only to be felt allowing holistic interpretation of the cards as they call to the surface very real parts of ourselves and our situations. Bringing you deeper insights and greater sense of self you can harness meaningful personal growth and heightened wellbeing. Select your preferred timeslot now.

1 hour


Clairvoyance and Mediumship

Clairvoyance and Mediumship

Beautiful soul, I know it is painful to loose a loved one. You may have lost someone suddenly or needed much strength to support a longer illness before your loved one came to rest and now you're left facing the grief of loss which comes with a multitude of emotions and challenges. You're not alone. We become more attuned, in many ways, when faced with grief. You may be seeing signs, or feeling a presence around you? Maybe you're experiencing familiar smells, and taking notice of things that normally you wouldn't have before, and you're looking now, to make sense of it all? Or simply, you just know your loved one is trying to reach you and you're here to open the pathway to messages. For these sessions, all souls, living and passed need to be open to communication, and hold understanding for one another. Sometimes timing plays a part. It is my responsibility to ensure a respectful, safe space for all involved so that each soul can feel comfortable in communications. Sometimes it may be someone you weren't expecting that comes through, or you receive more than one message, allow yourself to let go of expectation, so that you can truly immerse yourself in what is meant for you, and your loved ones in the moment.

15–60 min


Special Extras

Special Extras

Receive personalised keepsakes and gifts, or tune into your own intuition and choose the cards you feel most drawn to, allow the energies to surround you and stay with you through these special little extras that add a unique touch.

15 min


Specialist Readings

Thank you for booking.

Chakra Alignment Readings

Chakra Alignment Readings

Each of the seven Chakras is tied directly to a specific region and nerve centre of the body. Your Chakras absorb and filter energies that emit through out thoughts and actions as well as through the thoughts and actions of all those we come into contact with. Seven major Chakras exist within you. These Energy centres are located in the midline of the body and relate to our relationship with ourselves, others and the world around us. When you feel happy and vibrant, the Chakras are open and balanced. Your Chakras directly link to your overall wellbeing. Understanding your Chakras, connecting with them can transform your life and bring much needed peace of mind. Bookings made for email or video recording services please select any available timeslot. You will not be required to attend the allotted time. For video call services please select a timeslot that would be your preference. All other arrangements will be made upon receipt of your booking. T&C's.

1–1½ hours


Zodiac Wheel Readings

Zodiac Wheel Readings

Calling in the energies of the 12 Astrological Houses this reading enables you to gain emotional insight into key aspects of your life. You will uncover hidden secrets, discover deeper emotions as you experience the transformation of your mindset and bring emotions into balance. Focusing on areas such as values, home and family life, intimacy, career, friendships and much more, this reading really does have it all. As you receive and acknowledge the cards for each of the 12 aspects covered, observe mindfully how each card makes you feel as they prepare you for the month ahead. Bookings made for email or video recording services please select any available timeslot. You will not be required to attend the allotted time. For video call services please select a timeslot that would be your preference. All other arrangements will be made upon receipt of your booking. T&C's.

45–105 min


Terms and Conditions


Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Thank you for visiting Holistic Beyond booking service. Booking Durations: Bookings made for email/text or video recording services are added to the diary to ensure your needs are met, do administration and plan for your reading(s)/service(s). You will not be required to attend the allotted time. It is typical that you will receive email/text or video recording reading(s) within 24-72hrs of receipt of your booking. Where video call services have been booked arrangements for video calls will be made upon receipt of your booking. Bookings/services within this platform require a specific time and date however, for video and face to face appointments be advised that these may be subject to change following receipt of your booking to ensure the very best suitability and time. Open Hours: Working hours are flexible due to catering for different time zones. You will receive automated emails and confirmations through the booking platform, and for general contact and enquiries I will always look to respond as soon as possible, typically within 24hrs. Appointments: If an appointment is missed, cancelled or changed after the policy deadlines, there can be a charge or cancellation fee. Appointments can be changed until 2 day in advance. Appointments cant be rescheduled further than 30 days in advance. Appointments can be cancelled until 2 days in advance. Refunds: If appointments are cancelled before the mentioned deadlines the payment amount will be refunded. After a refund is initiated, depending on individual banks you should expect to see the refund approximately 5-10 business days later. Subscriptions: All subscription payments taken are non refundable. You can cancel at anytime. Following receipt of your cancellation no further payments will be taken, cancellations received after 48hrs of the next expected payment may not have been processed in time. Once you have cancelled you will remain in the community for the remaining days following your last payment equal to 30 days. You can however request to be removed from the community. You can re-subscribe at anytime. The community is hosted via WhatsApp, it is assumed therefore that by booking this you have read and understood subscribers will require WhatsApp. Coaching: By selecting and booking any of these paid options you are confirming your commitment and investment in, and to yourself, your journey and you're healing. You have had a discovery call with me and we have agreed our compatibility to work together mutually understanding that any guidance and support, transformations and successes are highly dependable upon individuals own commitment, motivation and dedication to their own journey, likewise, that I commit to you to give you my fullest energy, truth and experience in a intuitively healing and light filled way. Appointments can be rearranged within the policy guidelines. Due to the limited spaces available for these sessions should you not attend or wish to cancel throughout the duration booked, additional policy applies where refunds will not be given. Individual Commitment: I/Holistic Beyond believe that any guidance and support, transformations and successes are highly dependable upon individuals own commitment, motivation and dedication to their own journey. Crystals: All Crystals will be sourced from two local Crystal shops near me, these Crystals are taken to be sold and purchased in good faith. I/Holistic Beyond make no representation to the respect of quality and do not support, encourage or recommend any use of Crystal identifier tools after purchase. Due to the nature of variables in identifier apps, individual camera quality, lighting, crystal colour variants, identifier apps accuracy are open to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. Products: Products I/Holistic Beyond sell are personalised, tailored and bespoke to you the client and are non-refundable/returnable. Variants: Terms and Conditions and/or policy may be subject to occasional change, without notice and it is recommend individuals check T&Cs/policy regularly. Disclaimer: You must be over 17 years of age to use these services and when booking service(s) you must be the bill payer or have the bill payers permission. I/Holistic Beyond makes no representation in the respect of the accuracy and quality of the readings and cannot accept responsibility for the relevancy or accuracy of the content given, implied, or expressed as to the suitability of the content for any purpose. Tarot and Oracle readings and channelled messages are subject to interpretation and should not be taken as absolute. Information provided during the reading shall not be used as a substitute for professional, financial, medical, psychiatric, or legal advice. I/Holistic Beyond provides guidance and advice which can help you on your own judgements and decisions concerning situations and or questions you have posed for yourselves. We have high ethical standards and all readings are strictly confidential. I/Holistic Beyond do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability, loss or damages caused by any information, suggestion or advice provided, of whatever nature. Whilst all readings are given in good faith some content shared may represent an opinion or judgement. Under English Law we are obligated to tell you that all readings are carried out for entertainment and experimental purposes only. I/Holistic Beyond reserves the right to withdraw or vary any services provided without notice. For phone and video calls, if you feel uncomfortable or unhappy during a reading notify the reader within the first 10 minutes. Every product/service I/Holistic Beyond sell is subject to interpretation. If you are experiencing any type of illness you are obligated to seek professional help. If you are on medication or abusing drugs or alcohol or suffering from a mental illness, your mental and emotional clarity could affect the clarity of the reading and in such circumstances we do not recommend that you have a reading. None of the products/services I/Holistic Beyond sell are meant in anyway to replace the professional opinion or help of a Doctor, healthcare professional, lawyer, or anyone in a position of authority. I/Holistic Beyond does not take responsibility for the actions, ideas, or thoughts of any of it's clients before, during, or after the use of any of it's products/services. By purchasing this product/service, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions clearly stated here.