Pepex detailing

We offer car detailing services, paint correction, ceramic coat, shampoo on the seats, full detailing

From Miami, Florida


Pepex Deluxe

Pepex Deluxe

Exterior wash , Sprite wax , interior basic detal

1½–2 hours


Sealant Package

Sealant Package

Interior cleaning & vacuum , washing with shampoo, discontamination ( iron remove and claybar ) sealant application ( shine and protection for 4 months )


Golden Package

Golden Package

Exterior Hand wash, spray soap, bug removal, window cleaning, gas cap cleaning, tire and rim cleaning, tire dressing, towel drying, fender inner cleaning, hand wax or spray sealant (Paint protection for 4 months) Interior Glass cleaning, deep vaccum, air freshener, surface cleaning, surface protection, door and panel cleaning, surface hydration, deep cleaning.

2½ hours


Pepex deluxe

Pepex deluxe

Exterior wash , Sprite wax , interior basic detal

1½–2 hours


Sealant package

Sealant package

Interior cleaning & vacuum , washing with shampoo, discontamination ( iron remove and claybar ) sealant application ( shine and protection for 4 months )

120–135 min


Golden Package

Golden Package

Exterior Hand wash, spray soap, bug removal, window cleaning, gas cap cleaning, tire and rim cleaning, tire dressing, towel drying, fender inner cleaning, hand wax or spray sealant (Paint protection for 4 months) Interior Glass cleaning, deep vaccum, air freshener, surface cleaning, surface protection, door and panel cleaning, surface hydration, deep cleaning.

2½ hours


Pepex deluxe

Pepex deluxe

Exterior wash , Sprite wax , interior basic detal

120–135 min


Sealant package

Sealant package

Interior cleaning & vacuum , washing with shampoo, discontamination ( iron remove and claybar ) sealant application ( shine and protection for 4 months )

135–150 min


Golden Package

Golden Package

Exterior Hand wash, spray soap, bug removal, window cleaning, gas cap cleaning, tire and rim cleaning, tire dressing, towel drying, fender inner cleaning, hand wax or spray sealant (Paint protection for 4 months) Interior Glass cleaning, deep vaccum, air freshener, surface cleaning, surface protection, door and panel cleaning, surface hydration, deep cleaning.

3½ hours