Adam Treanor PT

Private Personal Training


1-1 Session PT

1-1 Session PT

60 minute 1-1 Personal Private Session

1 hour


2-1 Session PT

2-1 Session PT

2 People for the Session.

1 hour

1-1 Online Program

Need accountability? Want someone help you achieve your health and fitness goals? Well this is the plan for you. Below is what is included in this plan; 3 tailored made session for your goals. Whether this be home workouts or going to the gym for strength or cardiovascular sessions. You will also get daily communication with myself. For any advice, support, or any silly question you think you have (note; no question is silly at all!!!) Via WhatsApp. I will also provide advice on nutrition and give you sample meal plans. You will be provided with daily calorie allowance and macronutrient amounts. I will provide a weekly schedule to make sure you optimize your recovery and strength gains. Also included in the program is advice on supplements and apps and tools required for this journey. BMI calculations and goals will also be provided. Body Fat testing also possible if you make a 1-1 session booking. I will also add you to my private story on Instagram that will give you more insight and ideas for you on how I stay healthy. Note: This program can be payed weekly at starting around 4€ per da. You choose the duration.

NutrItional plan

Fat loss, muscle building, or maintenance plans. One off price of €50 Includes: Daily Calories, Macros, How to Schedule and Calories Amounts, Calorie Banking, Supplement and Apps needed. Includes sample meals & more.

Free consultation

15 minute call for the plan that’s right for you.

Ex-Press Class

Ex-Press Class

Quick blast which targets the whole body while burning those calories! Can be done in groups of 2,3 or 4! Bring your partner, friends or some family members! 2/3 People @€15pp 4 People @10pp

45 min