Rise and Thrive Therapy

Heal from within, release and let go of stored trauma in your body, mind and soul. Find inner peace🙏🏻


9D Breathwork


Douglas Yoga Centre -Friday August 23rd 7 - 8.30pm

Douglas Yoga Centre -Friday August 23rd 7 - 8.30pm

Douglas Yoga Centre, Maryborough Woods Estate, T12 V622

2 hours


Online Group

Online Group

Receive this medicine from the comfort of your own home

2 hours


In-Person Private

In-Person Private

2 hours

Online Private

Online Private

Receive this magical medicine from the comfort of your own home

2 hours



In-Person or Online

2 hours

Family (max 6)

Family (max 6)

In person or online

2 hours

List of 9D Journeys:

List of 9D Journeys:

9D has many somatic healing journeys

0–120 min


Rapid Transformational Therapy- Prices Vary: Book a free discovery call

RTT Hypnotherapy

RTT Hypnotherapy

Rapid Transformational Therapy, 1-to-1 in person or online programs Prices Vary

Release Trauma

Release Trauma

Find the root cause and reprogramme harmful thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Combat Anxiety

Combat Anxiety

Find the root cause and reprogramme harmful thoughts, feelings and emotions

Change Limiting Beliefs

Change Limiting Beliefs

Claim your power back, develop a new mindset

Heal from Toxic Relationships

Heal from Toxic Relationships

Reclaim your life after a toxic relationship

Beat Addictions

Beat Addictions

Take control over Addictions, food, alcohol, drugs, gambling, technology

Turn Your Pain into Purpose

Turn Your Pain into Purpose

Understand why you had a painful experience and become the alchemist of your own darma

Superconscious Guide

Connect with your higher self and learn to follow your intuition. 1-to-1 coaching €60 per hour, book a free discovery call

Superconscious Attunement

Superconscious Attunement

Learn how to tap into your higher self and channel your true blueprint

1 hour

Circle Work - 
Return to Your Essence of Wholeness

Circle Work - Return to Your Essence of Wholeness

Learn how to step into your greatness, the truth of who you are

1 hour

Karma or Kriya

Karma or Kriya

Our souls purpose or souls lesson, distinguish between the two

1 hour

Transcend from the Dark Night of the Soul

Transcend from the Dark Night of the Soul

Learn the message of your adversity and turn it into Alchemy

1 hour

Raise Your Vibration

Raise Your Vibration

Tesla said everything is energy, frequency and vibration and it is this that completes the law of attraction. Learn how to raise your vibration.

1 hour

Master Your Worth

Master Your Worth

You are enough, you are worthy, you belong, you are loveable, this is an internal job

1 hour

The Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey

Find the hero within you. Step into your own lane and take the journey of your true desire.

1 hour

Free Discovery Call

Call for any inquiries about 9D Breathwork, Hypnotherapy, Rapid Transformational Therapy, Superconscious Guidance

Free Discovery Call

Free Discovery Call

Call for any enquiries

30 min