Spring Sports Therapy

Vital Sports Therapy for Women's Football

50 Duns Lane – First Aid Room, Leicester

What we can offer you

Don't forget appropriate clothing so we can properly assess!

Injury Consultation

Do you have an injury concern? Let's take a look, assess the issue and come up with a plan to get you back to real and better movement. 45-60 min session.

1 hour


Injury Follow-up

You've come in for an initial assessment and plan, now let's reassess and see what's next for you. 30-40 min session.

30 min

Posture Analysis

Feel like you aren't quite upright or that your posture is becoming a hinderance? Or maybe you're just curious about your posture. Book in to get a full analysis from head to toe to see what could be working more efficiently and get a plan to get there. 30 min session.

30 min

Sports Massage

Need some time to relax or feeling the need to loosen up your muscles and joints? Book in for a massage and walk out feeling looser. Massages can be full body or a targeted area that you choose. 30 min session.

30 min