Tours | en | Ometepe

Horseback riding.

We have many options to choose from, all for different levels of experience and with a suitable duration to enjoy with friends and family.

Tour to San Ramón waterfall

Tour to San Ramón waterfall

Get to know the waterfall that is hidden between these mountains, enjoy the experience of riding on well-cared for and gentle horses.

5 hours

Argentina Viewpoint

An incredible place with surprising panoramic views of the lake and Concepción volcano, in addition to being surrounded by nature. Ideal for relaxing.

2 hours

Tours to the volcanoes.

These tours are ideal for people who love adrenaline, panoramic views of the landscape and photography.

Concepción Volcano

Concepción Volcano

A tour to the top of the Concepción volcano, enjoy the panoramic views and the excitement of knowing the crater of this volcano.

1 hour

Volcán Maderas.

Volcán Maderas.

Discover the great secrets of this volcano, surround yourself with nature and enjoy the landscape around you.

2 hours

Custom tours

You are planning something and could help some guidance? Let us help you! Drop your information and we will give you a call!

Let's call

15 min