Travel Panther

Agencia de viajes especializada en Madrid

Puerta del Sol, Madrid

Food tours

Taste the city with us. We will take you on a tour through the city and offer you 3 small snacks and 1 delicious lunch in the meanwhile. Takes 2 hours.

Visita guiada + Panorámica 3h

The most tasteful experience you can book. Anyone 14 and up

2 hours

Visita guiada + Panorámica 5h

Great prices to bring your kids on this tasteful experience. 14+ needs to book an adult ticket.

2 hours

Visita guiada Día Completo con Panorámica

Tour Privado

Not hungry, let's just walk then! Choose your preferred length and we will take you on an adventure


Stays mostly in the centre of the city

1 hour


Centre + 2 most interesting suburbs

2 hours

Día completo

See everything, hear everything.

4 hours


You are planning something and could help some guidance? Let us help you! Drop your information and we will give you a call!


15 min

Fin de semana

Tarifas Especiales Grupos