The future Vev
So many good things still to come
With custom emails, discounts and custom fields Vev will help you run your business even better. And there are more exciting new features coming.
Add more more specific customer information to make running your business even better.
It's easy to give your customer a discount on their service. Choose a percentage or fixed amount. Whatever works best for your business.
Add amount
Add a percentage or fixed amount to the price of the appointment, in the simplest way possible for you as a business owner.
All the good stuff that comes with the future vev
Automatically send an invoice, complete with invoice number, to your customers.
Your customer automatically gets a receipt via email.
Waiting list
Let your customers wait in line. All taken care of you.
More photos of what you offer
A picture says more than a thousand words. So adding more photos tells your customers even more.
More of Vev
Vev's newest features
With continuous updates Vev gets better based on your feedback.
Let your customers schedule from your own website.
Sell your craft
Let your customers pay directly when they book online, ask for a deposit, or get payments at the appointment all with your phone.
Brand your Vev
Create your page in 3 simple steps
Find your profession
Choose from over 200 example businesses.
Get started
Click around to see how Vev works.
Customize your page
Add photos, descriptions and set your pricing.