The Vev Academy

Welcome to the Vev Academy, here you find all types of articles centering around 1 topic: Growing your business. Take a scroll, find the topics most relevant to your business and start becoming a better entrepreneur today!

How to write a bakery business plan

Fresh from the oven.

How to get more photography clients (11 smart techniques)

Your best shot.

How to write a photography studio business plan

A true photo opportunity.

How to set a pricing strategy for your photography studio business

Sharpen the focus on on your plans.

Stand out in a crowded market: 6 strategies for modern tour guides

Making waves in tourism this year.

10 innovative ways to teach music in 2023

Jamming with custom plans.

From home cook to catering pro: 3 expert secrets for success

Something's definitely cooking.

The 15 secrets to building a thriving pizza pop-up

Doughn't wait, read now!

Why offering student discounts can be a smart move

Winning with students

Google delivers you free customers!

How the decoy effect can be used in your favour for your business

Improving the average order value for your business.

How to get more online reviews (and why people leave them)

How to turn your Instagram page into something great

The power of local newspapers in boosting your business

The old-fashioned way, guaranteed impact.

Friends and Family Discount Programs: A Guide for Small Business

The Best For Your Relatives and Your Business

Bookkeeping is no art

Just organisation and consistency

How to handle negative reviews and feedback

The importance of knowing your target market for small businesses

Manage the cash flow of your business

Why outsourcing is a game changer for entrepreneurs

The art of delegation

How can you encourage more people to tip takeaway deliveries?