Personal shopping

How can appointment software help my personal shopping business?

If you own a personal shopping business then staying organized needs to be one of your top priorities. With many customers looking to book you for their shopping needs, things can get confusing quickly.

With different lists, addresses, stores, and names it can be hard to keep track of what happens when. You need a service that helps you to plan your days and keep track of your agenda. Vev's personal shopper software is just what your personal shopping business needs to thrive.

Vev’s free appointment scheduling system is the perfect fit for a personal shopping business owner. With your schedule right at your fingertips, you can stay on top of your to-do list. No more needing to wonder what order is scheduled when. Vev can help keep your orders, calendar, and personal shopping clients all in order so you can do what you do best, helping others with their wardrobe.

Appointment software can assist your personal shopping business allowing you to…

  • Stay organized: Avoid a messy schedule and keep your calendar organized.
  • Customize your schedule: Allow clients to choose times that you list as available.
  • View your day-to-day tasks: Know exactly what your day looks like with the click of a button.

Get up to 12% more bookings by using an online appointment system

What can appointment booking software do for personal shoppers?

If you are a personal shopper, then you will want to keep up-to-date on your bookings. Whether you are taking care of someone’s grocery list or helping them navigate a specific store, customers will be seeking to book your services and see when you might be available to help them.

Instead of having customers call in or email you to book, opt for an easier way of letting your clients schedule appointments with you. Don’t let a confusing booking system turn them away. This is where Vev can help!

With free booking software, clients can book directly through your business’ unique QR code or shop link. They can see your openings and choose a day and time that works best for them. Once they book, you and your customer will get a confirmation of the scheduled booking. As the business owner, you will be able to view their information and contact them if needed.

Vev’s personal shopper software can help you…

  • Keep your bookings in order: Keep your bookings organized by viewing appointment times that have been claimed.
  • Maintain an easy booking experience: Give your clients an easy booking experience that lets them reserve times at their own convenience.
  • View all the needed Information: Easily see all the booking and client information in one place.

Remove all the back-and-forth to get appointments

How to promote a booking link for personal shoppers?

Every business owner wants to get their name out there and start booking clients immediately. This is why you'll need to focus on promoting your personal shopping business, and allow clients to see all that you can offer them.

As a business that uses Vev, you will have access to your own unique QR code or shop link. These resources take clients straight to your information and allow them to book right there with ease.

So what are some ways to get your Vev QR code or link in the view of customers? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Social Media: Every business, big or small, needs to have a presence on social media. Social media is one of the biggest ways that clients will see you in today’s marketing landscape. Create content and quality posts that hold your personal QR code and link. When people view your social media pages, they will know to go to your Vev page and book your services right away.
  • Flyers or Cards: A great way to spread your QR code or link is to create a business card or flyers. By printing all of your information on these items, customers can scan the QR code or type in the link to your Vev page and book your services easily. Post these cards and flyers in local businesses, ask friends to hand them out, and build partnerships with stores that may want to offer your services.

With Vev’s personalized online storefront, you’ll be able to spread the word about your unique and successful business. There is no better way to send customers your way then to provide them with the ease of a QR code or link to book.

Run your personal shopping on auto-pilot With your new toolset

  • Sell

  • Marketing

  • Payments

  • Business

  • Learn

  • Auto pilot

  • Overview

  • No-shows

  • Customers

Book again

In just a tap your clients become regulars. Get the best date and time for the next appointment. No upcoming appointment? You and your clients are reminded to book a shopping session again.

Sell smart

Add options, durations, variations, preparation time, cleanup time and your duration to help your clients book.

Your duration

Some appointments don’t require your attention the whole time, so you can help another client.

Book deadline

Decide the exact cutoff time for when clients can book a shopping session, giving you full control over availability and scheduling.

Time suggestions

Time suggestions let businesses control client booking flexibility, streamlining schedules and improving appointment management.

Hide items

Hide shopping sessions so you can only book them for your customers.






Auto pilot




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