Why should I use repair service software?

Using repair service software is a game-changer for any repair professional. Here's why:

  1. Efficiency in booking and scheduling: The core benefit of repair service software lies in its ability to simplify the appointment booking process. Clients can book their appointments online directly into your calendar, respecting your set business hours and any exceptions you've made for vacations or holidays. This digital scheduling reduces the time spent on phone calls and manual booking, freeing up more time for actual repair work.
  2. Integrated online payments: The software's capability to handle online payments directly on the booking page is a significant advantage. It means you can easily manage financial transactions, and clients appreciate the convenience of paying for services online. This feature not only streamlines the payment process but also adds a layer of professionalism to your service.
  3. Flexible appointment management: Both you and your clients can cancel or modify appointments with ease. This flexibility is crucial in the repair service industry, where schedules can often change at short notice. Plus, setting advance booking requirements ensures you're never caught off guard.
  4. Organized dashboard overview: The online dashboard of the field service software provides a clear view of your day-to-day operations, including appointments and client information. This organization helps in better planning and resource allocation, ensuring that your business runs smoothly.
  5. Automated reminders: The automated email reminders for appointments are a win-win for both you and your clients. They help reduce no-shows and last-minute cancellations, ensuring a more consistent workflow and better client satisfaction.

When to use repair service management software?

Implementing repair service management software is a strategic decision that can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your business. Here are key scenarios when you should consider using this software:

  1. Scaling your business: As your client base grows, managing appointments, payments, and client communications manually becomes increasingly challenging. This software is ideal when you're looking to scale your operations without adding excessive administrative burdens.
  2. Enhancing client experience: If you're aiming to improve how clients interact with your business – from booking appointments to receiving service reminders – this is the time to integrate repair service management software. It offers a streamlined, professional client experience.
  3. Managing a busy schedule: For repair professionals juggling multiple appointments and clients, this software provides an organized dashboard to efficiently manage daily schedules, ensuring you don't overbook or overlook any appointments.
  4. Desiring a professional look: If you're looking to enhance the professional appearance of your business, customizing your booking page with your brand colors and logo using this software can make a significant difference.
  5. Needing better resource management: This software is crucial when you need a clear overview of your resources, be it time, staff, or inventory, to ensure efficient operation of your repair service business.

Repair service software gave me back the joy I get from actually repairing

How do I choose the best service repair software?

Crucial here is that you know what to look for in repair service appointment software, here are some things that we would look out for:

  1. Ease of use and customization: Look for user-friendly software with customization options like branding and color schemes to match your business identity.
  2. Essential features: Ensure the software includes key functionalities such as appointment scheduling, online payments, client management, automated reminders, and a clear operational dashboard.
  3. Security and support: Prioritize software with robust security measures for data protection and reliable customer support for any issues or guidance.
  4. Cost-effectiveness: Consider the pricing structure to ensure it aligns with your budget and offers value for money. Ideally it has a free version, like Vev does.

Don’t get interrupted while working, let your customers book an appointment online themselves.

How to get started with repair service management software?

Here's a simplified five-step guide to getting started with the Vev repair service management software:

  1. Sign up for Vev: You can use Vev as your repair software for free for as long as you wish, just click the button to get started!
  2. Customize your profile: Add your business details, your repair services, and personalizing the appearance to match your brand.
  3. Configure services and schedule: Input your service offerings, pricing, and set up your availability for appointments, ensuring it reflects your actual working hours.
  4. Test and train: Make some test appointments, check the emails rolling in on both sides and whether the integration with your calendar works.
  5. Launch: Announce the new system to your clients and start using it for your business operations.

Vev is ready for you, just give it a try!

Run your repair service on auto-pilot With your new toolset

  • Sell

  • Marketing

  • Payments

  • Business

  • Auto pilot

  • Overview

  • No-shows

  • Customers

Schedule again

In just a tap your customers become regulars. Get the best date and time for the next appointment. No upcoming appointment? You and your customers are reminded to schedule a service appointment again.

Sell smart

Add options, durations, variations, preparation time, cleanup time and your duration to help your customers schedule.

Define your own duration

Some appointments don’t require your attention the whole time, so you can help another customer.

Schedule deadline

Choose till what time customers can schedule a service appointment.

Time suggestions

With 'Smart suggestions' you can optimize your day by letting customers choose from suggested times. Or choose 'Show all slots', this will show the best times first, but customers can then choose to see the full list of time slots.

Hide items

Hide service appointments so you can only schedule them for your customers.





Auto pilot




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