How the uniform
rental program of
a soccer club
The board of L.A.C. "Frisia 1883" in Leeuwarden wants all their members to look the part. So, together with their manufacturer, they have developed a uniform kit for their over 1,000 members, which is not for sale, but members rather pay a yearly fee to use the jersey and matching shorts.
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Long lines. Long waits
Distributing this kit was always a bit of a logistical nightmare. Martijn Hoekstra, chairman of L.A.C. "Frisia 1883," recalls the days before his club started working with Vev: "Long lines. Long waits. It was a pretty analog process." After all, members decided the best time to pick up or return their uniform kit based on the communicated days.
The soccer club was looking for free planning software to reduce waiting times for members and not overburden the volunteers who run the rental program. Martijn says, "It's not rocket science. You either pick up, return, or exchange. It becomes straightforward as soon as we know who's coming."
According to Martijn, the club now has a much better idea of whether it will be a busy or quiet day: "It provides a lot of insight. For example, if there are few sign-ups, the volunteers can go home earlier because they know no one is coming. Before, they had to wait and see if someone would still show up."
In this article...
Martijn: "It's not rocket science. You either pick up, return, or exchange. It becomes straightforward as soon as we know who's coming"

Simplified Exchanges
In addition to the big pick-up and return dates at the beginning and end of the season, the uniform rental program also offers ongoing uniform borrowing and exchange services during the season. This is especially useful for members around 6-7 years old, and may experience a growth spurt, resulting in a need to change their uniform size. Exchanging items has now become a breeze compared to how it used to be, Martijn knows: "You could send an email to indicate that you wanted to exchange, then someone had to answer that email. It took about 3-4 emails to make an appointment. Now we have a standard process. Go to the Vev page and click on the day and time that works for you."
“The process improvement is very satisfactory from all sides ”
Everyone's Vev'ing
Martijn encourages more sporting clubs to use Vev's software. For example, the club now knows that actively sharing the link online and featuring a QR code in their club magazine works well. Members can then scan the code and be directed to the appointment page, making the process just a few clicks away.
Martijn is outspoken about embracing this form of digitalization: "With the resources available today, you can boost the satisfaction of both volunteers and members. This gives everyone a bit of predictive power."
"Frisia" sees opportunities to use Vev's free software in more areas within the soccer club. "On Mondays and Tuesdays, our physios offer walk-in hours. These physiotherapists leave their homes without knowing whether it will be quiet or busy. Starting next week, our members can make their appointments through a second Vev page” said Martijn.
As a result, L.A.C. "Frisia 1883" smartly utilizes technology usually found in popular apps or offered by large companies but is now free to anyone who needs to organize or structure something.
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