Natalia sitting on a chair holding a camera

Video Content Lab:
How Natalia built
a content studio
from scratch

Natalia, the founder of Video Content Lab in Prague, has a remarkable journey that demonstrates how vision and resourcefulness can lead to success in the creative industry. With 17 years of experience as a professional photographer, Natalia transitioned from capturing weddings to specializing in product photography. After identifying a gap in the market, she turned her vision into a thriving business, creating a unique space for content creators to bring their ideas to life.

A photographer’s evolution

Natalia’s journey in photography began with weddings, where she quickly gained recognition as one of the top ten wedding photographers in the Czech Republic. “I have covered a wide range of genres, from weddings to professional events like the World Championships,” she recalls.

Her passion for photography led her to explore new avenues. She began focusing on product photography, initially working from her kitchen table. “Shooting products at home was far from ideal, and it inspired me to consider opening a dedicated studio,” Natalia explains.

This need for a better workspace was the seed that would eventually grow into Video Content Lab. Her transition from weddings to product photography was not just a change in subject matter but a strategic move to tap into a niche market that was under-served in her region.

Shooting products at home was far from ideal, and it inspired me to open a dedicated studio

Launching Video Content Lab in Prague

The transition from kitchen table to professional studio wasn’t immediate. Identifying a gap in the market, Natalia envisioned a space not just for photography but for all kinds of content creation.

“As I was initially searching for a space for myself to avoid working from home, I realized that many other people face the same issue—they need a place to create content, work on their projects, enhance their media presence, and publicize their work, but are hindered by the lack of suitable space and equipment at home,” she shares.

With this vision, Natalia set out to create a studio that catered to these needs. “So, one day, I had a brilliant idea: instead of opening a traditional photo studio, of which there are already hundreds, I could open a studio specifically for creating content for podcasts, Reels, and similar media. This venture would require less investment, less space, and face less competition,” Natalia adds.

Within a month and a half, she transformed her idea into reality, opening a space designed for product photography, podcasts, and video shoots. The unique concept quickly gained traction, attracting a diverse clientele who appreciated the tailored environment that Natalia provided. Her studio became a hub for creativity, where clients could find everything they needed under one roof.

a couch with a microphone and a pitcher on a table
Word of mouth played a crucial role

Overcoming business challenges

Starting Video Content Lab was not without its challenges. Natalia invested her personal savings into the project, navigating unexpected setbacks along the way. “One significant challenge has been managing unexpected expenses and logistics of the studio due to my initial lack of knowledge,” she admits.

Building a business from scratch meant dealing with the unforeseen challenges of setting up a professional space, from expensive curtains to last-minute repairs. “One day before the opening, the acoustic panels fell off the walls, and I had to reattach them overnight,” she recalls.

Despite these hurdles, Natalia’s determination and resourcefulness helped her overcome them. She utilized her extensive network within the expat and blogger communities to promote her studio. “Word of mouth played a crucial role. Many knew me and saw the potential of my studio, which brought in the initial clients,” she notes.

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The Vev advantage for operations

Managing a busy content creation space requires efficient tools. One significant turning point for Natalia was integrating Vev into her business operations. “Before Vev, managing bookings and payments was a hassle. Clients preferred to pay in cash, which was inconvenient,” she explains.

Vev streamlined this process, allowing Natalia to request deposits and handle payments seamlessly. “Vev has made it easier to book and manage client details. The system saves me a lot of time and ensures that I get paid without the stress of handling cash,” she emphasizes.

With Vev, Natalia could automate many of the administrative tasks that previously consumed much of her time. “Now I can focus more on creating and less on logistics,” she says. Additionally, Vev’s features allowed her to provide a more professional and user-friendly experience for her clients, further boosting her studio's reputation.

a woman in a green shirt sits on a couch with her legs crossed
Vev saves me a lot of time and ensures that I get paid without the stress of handling cash

A vision for the future

As Video Content Lab celebrates its first year, Natalia is already planning for expansion. “We aim to move to a larger space and offer comprehensive production services,” she reveals.

Additionally, she’s developing tailored packages that include everything a client needs, from shooting services to content preparation. “I want to offer clients a complete solution, enabling them to create high-quality content without the initial hurdles,” she says.This forward-thinking approach ensures that Video Content Lab remains at the forefront of content creation.

Reflecting on her journey, her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is clear: “Firstly, I would advise testing it online. Make social media accounts, create a website, and start selling with no physical space to see if it works.” This approach of validating ideas before investing heavily has become Natalia’s golden rule for entrepreneurial success in the industry.

a camera is recording a woman talking into a microphone.

4 lessons from Video Content Lab’s success

Natalia’s journey with Video Content Lab offers invaluable insights for aspiring entrepreneurs. Her experience in transforming a home-based photography business into a thriving content creation studio in Prague provides several key takeaways:

  1. Identify and address market gaps: Natalia recognized the need for a content creation space in Prague. By offering a solution to this problem, she created a unique value proposition that set her business apart. As she puts it, “I decided to open the space where I can shoot products, reels, YouTube podcasts, videos, and so on.” Identifying and addressing unmet needs can be the foundation for a successful business.
  2. Leverage your network: Building a supportive community and leveraging word-of-mouth can significantly help in the initial stages of a business. Natalia’s connections within the expat and blogger communities played a crucial role in promoting her studio.
  3. Embrace technology for efficiency: Natalia’s use of Vev to manage bookings and payments demonstrates the importance of adopting the right tools. “Now Vev does the whole process work for you,” she explains. Finding and implementing the right technological solutions can significantly improve business operations and customer experience.
  4. Evolve your business model: Rather than sticking to a simple studio rental model, Natalia is constantly innovating and expanding her services. As she shares, “I’m planning to offer packages with texts, with preparation, with everything that they need just to come and film.” This forward-thinking approach ensures the business remains relevant and continues to grow.

Photo Studio Management Software

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