Zsuzsanna wearing a blue shirt is sitting in a pink chair

Zsuzsanna’s Little Beauty
Corner: Crafting beauty
and loyalty

Zsuzsanna's Little Beauty Corner, started by Zsuzsanna Radicsne Tamba in the small town of Athboy, Ireland, is a salon that has become a beloved place for people looking for luxury, relaxation, and special attention. From humble beginnings to a successful business, Zsuzsanna’s journey shows how important it is to keep trying, be creative, and truly care about making people feel beautiful.

A leap of faith

Zsuzsanna turned her lifelong fascination with beauty into a flourishing business. “My inspiration to start this business came from my passion for nails, lashes, and everything beauty-related. I’ve always been fascinated by beauty and saw an opportunity to turn my passion into a thriving venture,” Zsuzsanna explains.

Moving from Hungary to Ireland, with stints in London and Norway, Zsuzsanna brought with her a wealth of experience and a loyal client base. “I opened my little business because people in town always told me, ‘Susanna, why are you not working for yourself? You are too talented,’” she recalls.

The first steps to success

Securing her first happy and paying customer was a pivotal moment for Zsuzsanna. She attributes this success to a combination of trust-building and exceptional service. “I focused on networking within my community, leveraging word-of-mouth referrals, and offering special promotions to attract initial clients,” she recalls.

Building strong relationships with early clients was key, laying the foundation for future growth. “People in town started talking, and soon clients were coming from other towns as well. It was amazing to see how much they trusted me and valued my work,” she shares proudly.

a woman 's nails are painted purple with white flowers on them
It was amazing to see how much they trusted me and valued my work.

Building a loyal clientele

Her clients from the small town and surrounding areas followed her, drawn not only by her skills but by her warm and honest personality. “My clients appreciate my honesty and the quality of my work. They know I will always admit if I’ve made a mistake and make it right,” Zsuzsanna explains.

The transition to working solo was smooth, thanks to her established reputation. “When I set up my business, I hit 100 bookings in just a week and a half,” she says.

Zsuzsanna’s dedication to her clients goes beyond providing beauty services. She strives to create a comfortable and professional environment in her home-based salon. “I try to make my salon feel less like a private home and more like a professional beauty space,” she explains.

This genuine approach has helped Zsuzsanna create a community of satisfied clients who continue to support and recommend her business. “Customers keep coming back to me because of the exceptional service, personalized attention, and positive experience they receive,” she adds.

My clients know I will always admit if I’ve made a mistake and make it right.

Overcoming challenges and embracing growth

Starting and running Zsuzsanna’s Little Beauty Corner required significant investment. “I needed to invest in essential equipment, supplies, and marketing efforts,” Zsuzsanna notes. She also had to manage ongoing expenses such as utilities, insurance, and necessary licenses or permits.

Running a business comes with its fair share of challenges, but Zsuzsanna views each obstacle as an opportunity for growth. “Some of the challenges I face include managing finances effectively, attracting and retaining customers in a competitive market, staying updated with industry trends and regulations, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance,” she shares.

By approaching each challenge with a learning mindset and constantly seeking innovative solutions, Zsuzsanna has been able to improve her business and better serve her clients. Her advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is simple yet powerful: “Believe in yourself, stay passionate about your vision, and never underestimate the power of perseverance.”

Believe in yourself, stay passionate about your vision, and never underestimate the power of perseverance.

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Using Vev for seamless business operations

A significant milestone in her journey was discovering Vev’s online booking platform that transformed her business operations. “Vev helps me run my business by providing a streamlined and efficient online booking system. It allows me to easily manage appointments and view schedules,” Zsuzsanna explains.

Zsuzsanna particularly appreciates how Vev enables her to focus more on delivering exceptional service rather than getting bogged down by administrative tasks. “Vev was really easy to use and set up,” Zsuzsanna remarks. “It integrates seamlessly with Google Calendar, which makes managing my appointments a breeze.”

The platform’s flexibility and efficiency have been invaluable, allowing her to focus on providing excellent beauty services and connecting with her clients. “The free version was perfect for getting started, and now I’m considering upgrading to the pro version,” she notes.

a woman is getting her nails done at a nail salon .
Vev integrates seamlessly with Google Calendar, which makes managing my appointments a breeze.

Expanding and enhancing client experience

Looking ahead, Zsuzsanna is excited about expanding her business, “Hopefully next year, we're going to build our own salon in the garden to make the experience even more professional for our clients,” she shares enthusiastically.

Her vision includes not only expanding her physical space but also enhancing the range of services she offers. She also plans to leverage her teaching certificate to offer courses in beauty, expanding her influence and expertise.

“I’m committed to investing in ongoing training and development for myself to ensure I'm always delivering the highest quality service to my clients,” she says, adding, “I also aim to further grow our client base, explore new market opportunities, and innovate our processes to stay ahead in the industry.”

interior of Zsuzsanna's little beauty corner salon

Key takeaways from Zsuzsanna’s journey

Zsuzsanna’s little Beauty corner is a salon brought to life through hard work, community support, and the right tools like Vev. Here are a few things we learned from Zsuzsanna’s journey:

  1. Leverage community support: Having loyal clients starts with creating genuine relationships and trust within your community. Zsuzsanna’s success was greatly influenced by word-of-mouth referrals and her reputation for honesty and quality service.
  2. Utilize efficient tools: Finding the right tools, like Vev, can streamline business operations and improve customer experience. Simple, user-friendly systems can make a significant difference in managing appointments and communications with clients.
  3. Create a professional environment: Even in a home-based business, it’s essential to create a professional and welcoming space for clients. Attention to detail in the physical setup can enhance the client experience and reflect the quality of services offered.
  4. Continuous learning and adaptation: Staying updated with industry trends and continuously improving your skills is crucial. Zsuzsanna’s commitment to learning and adapting has kept her services fresh and in demand, ensuring long-term success and growth.

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