Easy ordering and
payment on King’s
Day: the story
of ‘Lekker Spicy
Who wouldn't want to earn an extra penny on King’s day? Bram and his friends decided to try out a one-off toast popup in Amsterdam. A tasty sandwich for 4 euros, a drink 2 euros. To quickly help all customers, Bram created a free Vev page for all orders and contactless payments.
During King’s day, one of the most important holidays in the Netherlands, Amsterdam transforms into an orange sea of revelers and entrepreneurs. “On Wednesday night I told a friend about my plan. He was so excited that he said, ‘If you're going to do this, I'll cancel my plans now and come help you.’ No sooner said than done. The next day we arranged everything,” Bram says.

Two ways to order
Ordering at Bram’s sandwich stand was very simple; customers could place their order at the stand. The order was then entered into Vev: “That felt super-professional, adding it manually really worked like a hospitality POS system. Tick what the customer wants, enter name, and through to the payment screen,” nods Bram.
Accepting PIN payments
Bram: “On a day like this, of course you don't know what to expect, but my guess was that not everyone would have cash.” In no time, their Vev page was connected to a payment account with Stripe, after which the “Tap to Pay” function could also be activated via the Vev app for iPhone.
Customers place their payment card on Bram's phone, or use their mobile phone. Bram: “It was fantastic to see how surprised customers were that they could pay so easily with their debit card or telephone, and all from my iPhone.”
“I make this sandwich regularly for myself and my girlfriend. It has since become an addiction for both of us. That's how I knew the product would catch on.”

One hundred and fifty sandwiches
“I didn't want to sell just a simple sandwich; by adding sambal, we took the product to the next level,” Bram says. “I make this sandwich regularly for myself and my girlfriend. It has since become an addiction for both of us. That's how I knew the product would catch on.”
And it did. After a few hours, everything was sold out down to the bread ends. “We even had 4 people come back later in the day to buy another sandwich,” laughs Bram.
With 14 bags of bread, 10 pounds of cheese, jars of sambal, and bottles of ketchup, the stall was well prepared. “We sold over 150 sandwiches and also a lot of drinks. Even for the ketchup we were able to charge a 50-cent surcharge through the ordering system,” he says proudly.
“When you have so much fun making a product, and see people enjoying it, profit is just a nice cherry on top.”

Future Plans and Advice
The success makes us want more, and Bram is already making plans for the next King's Day: “We had an incredibly fun day. When you have so much fun making a product, and see people enjoying it, profit is just a nice cherry on top. I'm already looking forward to next year to do something like this again.”
Vev's simple ordering software is perfect on days like King’s Day for entrepreneurs and people who want to earn extra money to process products, services and payments at a high pace. Vev’s software can also be used free of charge for the rest of the year.
You can also start a take-away sandwich shop just like Bram or choose from more than 100 other ready-to-start businesses.
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