KuraTherapy assists individuals
who are stuck
Healthcare psychologist Giullitta Anthony, in addition to her regular job in Curaçao, sought a more accessible way to help people: "I wanted to also focus on more common problems, in which I look less at a diagnosis and more at what this individual or couple needs to get back on track”. Now, she runs a flourishing practice, helping people both on the island and elsewhere. Initially, scheduling appointments was a challenge, but with Vev, the process has become a breeze.
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Giullitta began KuraTherapy around less than a year ago. "Kura" means "healing" in Papiamento and is a reference to the island's name, Curaçao. She enjoys working at a mental health institution (GGZ), but she always wanted to strike out on her own as well. "In my regular job, I mainly help people with severe problems. I wanted to also focus on slightly 'lighter' cases. Curaçao is a small island, which makes it a significant step for people to go to a GGZ. KuraTherapy is more accessible, and thus, I am able to help other people move forward. These are people who have hit a roadblock and come to me with the question: 'How do I get out of this situation?'" The combination with her regular job suits her very well.
“You don't have to maintain eye contact during a session ”
A Walk in the Park
Besides island residents, KuraTherapy has many clients living abroad, making up about 70% of her clientele, she estimates. She appreciates this international dimension. For 'local' clients, KuraTherapy also offers alternative forms of therapy, like walking therapy. Giullitta states, "You don't have to maintain eye contact during a session, and by moving together, it often creates more space and relaxation to think and talk about the issues and solutions. In addition to walking, another method that sometimes works wonderfully is painting nails during a session. I think this could potentially fill a gap in the market," she adds with a laugh.
“Kura Therapy is more accessible, and thus, I am able to help other people move forward ”
Giullitta is not a typical salesperson; she really dislikes marketing. "I find self-promotion horrible, so marketing is somewhat neglected in my business." KuraTherapy is active on social media like LinkedIn and Instagram, but Giullitta is still searching for an optimal frequency for new posts. She is currently working on a 'content calendar' to improve this process. Starting her own business was a challenge for many years. Looking back, Giullitta says, "I would tell anyone considering this: 'Just do it! Don't hold back and don't keep doubting!' You'll only find out if something can succeed if you actually go ahead and do it."
In this article...
"You don't have to maintain eye contact during a session, and by moving together, it often creates more space and relaxation to think and talk about the issues and solutions."

Intuitive and Simple
Giullitta tried several planning software but was never satisfied; it was always not quite right. During a Google search, she stumbled upon Vev: "Vev is very intuitive and really simple! Although I am very structured in some ways, I can also be somewhat chaotic. Vev helps me greatly to avoid chaos. For example, I can easily schedule a new appointment during a session. My clients appreciate this, as it is often forgotten otherwise. Because it's crystal clear, people understand the rates better, leading to less confusion later on. Also, Vev gives me a lot of peace, as I'm much less disturbed by people calling to schedule appointments during my work."
“Vev is very intuitive and really simple! It helps me greatly to avoid chaos ”
In the future, Giullitta wants to increase the number of days per week she spends on KuraTherapy. She is also working on an idea to offer her psychological assistance in combination with retreats in Curaçao: "Imagine a week, or a few weeks, where the client stays in a beautiful environment, and I come by a few times for a session."
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