Embed widget

By adding the Vev widget directly to your website clients don't have to leave your website. Don't worry if you're not a tech wizard; we've got you covered with a simple step-by-step guide. Let's get started!

Step 1: Grab your unique Vev code

First things first, you need to get your hands on your unique piece of Vev magic - the embed code for your booking widget. Here's how:

  1. Find your embed code on 'Dashboard' > 'Embed code'
  2. You'll see a small box with a snippet of code in it. This is your ticket to booking bliss. Click on it to copy this code to your clipboard. It'll look something like this, but with your specific details:

Step 2: Plant your Code

Next up, it's time to put that code into your website. Depending on how your website is set up, the steps might be a bit different. But fear not, we've outlined the general process below:

For website builders (like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace)

1. Find the HTML/Add Code Option: Head to the editor of the page where you want your booking widget to shine. Look for an option to add 'HTML' or 'Embed Code'. It's often under 'Add elements' or similar.

2. Paste Your Code: Drop the code snippet into the box provided for custom HTML.

For Custom or Direct HTML Websites

1. Access your page's HTML: Get into the back end of your site where the HTML lives. This might be through a web hosting control panel or via FTP.

2. Find the spot: Decide where you want your widget. Then, paste your code snippet right there in the HTML file, ideally within the `<body>` tags.

Step 3: Save and publish

After you've added your code, make sure to save your changes. Then, go ahead and visit your page to see your shiny new widget in action. Try it out to ensure everything's running smoothly.

Need a hand?

If any of this feels like deciphering an ancient code, we're here to help.

Our friendly support team is just a message away. Don't hesitate to reach out for a helping hand.